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Naomi Grossman's
Broadway world - Los Angeles
Maverick award
Los angeles womEn's
theatre festival
American whore story

The third in the trilogy of solo shows depicting the evolution of Naomi Grossman, American Whore Story reveals her history of hustling - from the odd jobs she’s held, to her even odder love life. Naomi gives it to us straight (with a slight gay detour); taking us on a transformative trip to Burning Man, an acid trip to a 60s Rat Pack-rager, and along her own triumphant trip from Red Bull Girl/Spanish teacher to #1 on IMDb.

A love letter to AHS fans,
her latest creation chronicles her outrageous adventures leading up to American Horror Story and beyond.

The result is a fast-paced and fan-friendly anthology of autobiographical tales of self-compromise, aptly titled
American Whore Story.

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